Soccer has shaped my life in ways I never imagined. As a young goalkeeper with the goal and opportunities to go pro, I lived for the highs of competition but also felt the crushing weight of setbacks—on and off the field. But the toughest challenge came when I lost my father and mentor at just 19. I fell into a dark place, quit soccer, and felt completely lost for nearly two years.


I was determined to push through the tough times as quickly as possible—thinking the harder, faster, and more intense I worked, the better. But it took time—and the right people—to help me realize that true progress doesn’t come from relentless effort alone. To move forward, I had to focus on working on myself first and find the balance between pushing forward and allowing myself the rest I needed. That realization led me to truly deepen all my studies and diving even more into how the mind, body, and soul are connected. Through my own experiences I learned that true performance isn’t just about pushing harder—it’s about balancing intensity with recovery, resilience with joy, Yin with Yang. 


That’s when I found my real purpose. My passion wasn’t just playing soccer it ultimately led me into coaching.

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