Hi, I am Stefan Peter and this is why I do what I do

" My experiences as a young goalkeeper, where I've already encountered life's ups and downs, including personal losses and ongoing health challenges have played a pivotal role in shaping the person I am today. They've also inspired me to develop the Emotionset Method – a powerful tool designed to assist you in overcoming your own set of challenges. Let's embark on this journey together and discover how to conquer obstacles and perform stronger than ever before."

Why my father Peter plays a big role in all of this?

You know, like for most young boys my dad was everything to me – my hero. Back when I was a young goalie on the soccer field, every move I made was to make him proud. I could see that look of admiration in his eyes, and I wanted to live up to his dream of seeing me go pro.

He pushed me hard, always demanding the best, and it was a mix of a blessing and a curse. But then, when I was just 19, everything fell apart. My dad was gone, taken away suddenly. It felt like my whole world crashed, and I was left drowning in grief. Losing him hit me especially hard because he was the one who fueled my love for the game. Without him, I lost my motivation and felt the pressure like never before.

So, I decided to work on myself, to heal. Mindset training became my lifeline. I learned to reshape my thoughts, handle negative emotions, and rebuild my shattered self-belief. Each day, I got a bit stronger, mentally and emotionally. And as I delved into the mind-game, I realized my true calling wasn't in playing but in coaching.

"My vision

is to help exceptional soccer players like yourself embracing the strength of your mind and emotions as a player and a human being. Together, we will awaken the Mentality Beast within you, empowering you to conquer every goal in your career and life with motivation, energy, and joy." 

Read more about my vision here

Growing into a mentally and emotionally strong performer

For me, mental and emotional strength and maturity means the ability to consciously perceive emotions, understand them, and deal with them constructively. It includes the ability to regulate oneself, respond empathically to others, and build healthy relationships through better communication. Mental strength is not only positive thinking alone - it is much more than that. Emotional maturity goes hand in hand with self-reflection, self-awareness, and the ability to recognize and express one's own needs, goals and boundaries. It enables one to handle difficult situations and challenges as an athlete calmly and maintain a positive inner attitude. Mental and Emotional strength is a continuous development process that contributes to a fulfilling and harmonious life on and off the pitch

soccer mindset coach
football mindset certificate
  • M.A.S in Sports Health and Leadership, Alpe Adria University
  • BSPA Certified Personal Coach
  • Co-founder of VEEV Health and Fitness Institute
  • Instructor for the PFA Austria
  • Ongoing Personal Development Coaching Programs by Greator Germany
  • Certified Communication Trainer and Seminar Leader
  • Certified Fitness Instructor

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