Why Take the Free Soccer Personality Quiz?

Know your soccer player personality type and learn how to improve YOUR mental game based YOUR result

In my opinion mindset training for pro soccer players like you should never be a one fits all approach. Your personality is unique, your story is unique and so are your goals and your challenges. 

Take the quiz to find out what areas you can improve based on what type you are. A Strategist thinks, feels and communicates differently than a Playmaker and a Captain might struggle with the personality of a Guardian. Learn exactly why different personalitis often clash and how to take yourself and your team to the next level by applying pro soccer mindset strategies.

What you get after completing the Soccer Personality Quiz


Clear identification of your soccer personality type


Your personal strengths and weaknesses under pressure


What you need to stay motivated based on your communication preferences


How to communicate more effectively with different personality types on the team


My personal tips for you to improve your performance based on your type


A free email after completing the quiz with additional bonus secrets about personality types

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